Willow Mountain Mushrooms ~ The Shroom Shack

Nestled in the Ozark Mountains of Southern Missouri, Willow Mountain Mushrooms has been providing gourmet quality mushrooms since 2004.

Using only Natural means to grow our mushrooms we maintain a high quality mushroom FULL of natural flavor not chemicals.

While other producers concentrate on a long shelf life by using chemicals ~

Willow Mountain Mushrooms specializes in delivering fresh picked mushrooms directly to you thereby avoiding the distribution system and the time it sits on your local stores shelf.

In doing this we maintain the mushrooms wonderful natural flavor that many people have told us they have never tasted before in store bought mushrooms.

Organic Produce Co-op

Organic Produce boxes delivered to your home, work, co-op meeting place or pick up point.

We offer a wide variety of boxes starting at the $20 level ~ Basic mixed boxes, veggie only, fruit only, snack/raw eating, juicing, Dried nut and fruit and add on's are available each week.

Each Wednesday we send an email letting you know what to expect in the following weeks box.

Standing orders are highly suggested, but not required. You can customize your standing order each week... or just 'know' that it will be there on your delivery day.

Being centrally located ... we deliver to Mountain Home, Gainesville and Theodosia on Wednesdays and to West Plains and Willow Springs on Thursdays.

Our supplier is unique in its approach to acquiring produce for the Co-op. The founders are farmers that got together in 2005 to create a co-op to help distribute their products. So, what they do is get products from smaller family farms first, many of which have CSA's, and then fill in the blanks with larger organic farms. Our goal is to do the same thing... utilize Ozark growers then fill in the blanks with what the supplier has to offer utilizing the smaller farms that they work with first.

To get started please fill in our contact form with the type of box you wish to order order, phone number and start up date and we will send you an email to confirm your order.

Look forward to meeting you!


The Semyck Family

Health Bites

Say Goodbye to Candida

What is Candida?  Is it bad?  Why say 'Good Bye"?
Candida naturally occurs in the intestinal tract.  In small, naturally occurring quantities it is quite harmless.  However, when it grows rampantly out of control it takes over our digestive flora and inhibits the absorption of nutrients and proteins from our foods and makes it harder to digest fats.  In some cases we can only absorb 50% of the nutrients from what is being put into our bodies.  

This does two things.  
1)  It leads our bodies to feel we need to ingest more food, typically the things that bring on more candida, thus gaining weight and 
2)  leads to nutritional deficiencies.
It becomes a never ending cycle that we need to end.

Research has shown that more than 80% of the US population has a problem with candida.
How did we get here?  
The over use of antibiotics in the US has increased the occurrence of candida.  In taking antibiotics we inadvertantly also kill off the good bacteria in our bodies... the stuff that helps us ward off diseases and keeps us healthy.  Yes, we kill off some of the candida as well, but unfortunately candida bounces back a lot faster and easier than its beneficial counterparts.  

We also have an infatuation with white fluffy breads and sugar.  According the the USDA the average American consumes 156 pounds of sugar each year... Just imagine 31 - five pound bags of sugar stacked up.  Now, that isn't to say that we sit and eat all that as white sugar... we also consume it as high fructose corn syrup and other sugars.  What it is saying is that we are eating far too much of it.  And feeding it to the candida!  Yes, whenever we eat breads, sugars, white rice, and otherwise processed foods we are 'feeding' candida and causing our bodies to have to work harder for the good stuff that might be in there.  We need to break that cycle.

Do I have an overgrowth of candida?
Chances are you do... as stated earlier 80% of Americans do and don't know it.  You can do a simple test at home to check for it.  It is the (da da da daaaaaa.... drum roll>>>) "saliva test".  Very high tech... put a glass of water next to your bed at night.  When you awaken in the morning, before you take a drink of water, spit into the cup.  If the saliva becomes stringy leading out 'tentacles' reaching for the bottom.  Basically doing an impression of a jelly fish.  Then you've got a bit of candida to deal with.

Some outward signs of an overgrowth of candida might be:
  • abdominal cramping (mild to severe - can be as painful, as some have put it, as labor pains - mine have doubled me over!)
  • bloating
  • gas/flatulance
  • diarrhea (in some cases foamy/frothy looking) 
  • thrush
  • diaper/nappy rash
  • sore nipples if nursing
  • itching under arms and breasts etc
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • memory loss
  • brain fog
  • kidney and or urinary tract infections (or incontinence)
  • hay fever
  • hoarse voice
  • skin rashes
  • acne
  • adult acne... you may find it particularly present off the corners of your mouth
  • jock itch
  • depression
  • dry, itchy, flaky skin
  • anxiety
  • recurring irritability or mood swings
  • heartburn or indigestion/acid reflux/GERD
  • lethargy/fatigue
  • food and environmental allergies
  • joint soreness/pain
  • chest pain
  • migraines and headaches
  • PMS or other menstrual problems
  • can't lose weight no matter what you try
  • Athlete's foot 
  • Fungus on the toe and/or fingernails
  • Chronic sinus problems
  • Muscle weakness and flu-like aches
  • Constant pain under the left rib cage
  • lower immune system (catch colds easily)
  • crave sweets and simple carbs
  • Vertigo or balance problems
  • Bad breath In spite of good oral hygiene
  • Cravings for Chocolate, peanuts, pistachios or alcohol
  • Adrenal or thyroid problems
  • Hemorrhoids, fissure or rectal bleeding
  • insomnia
  • Puffy, dry or burning eyes
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Chemical sensitivity (especially colognes or fabric dye)
If you have two or more of the above symptoms chances are it is time to take control of your candida!

Do your body a favor... Say Goodbye to Candida!

How do we break the cycle of candida?
The first thing we need to do is to reserve antibiotics for only the most serious of life threatening infections.  No more antibiotics for ear infections, a minor or moderate cut, or any other non-life threatening incidences.  There are a lot of other things we can do for those situations that don't involve killing off important disease fighting bacterias and beneficial micro flora that we need to enhance not eliminate during times of stress (physical and mental).

The next thing we need to do is examine what we eat.  We need to ask a few of questions:  What are we eating that feeds candida?  What can we eat that will kill candida?  and What can we eat to enhance and encourage the beneficial bacteria to multiply?

   Things to eliminate (the feeders):
  • all refined carbs:  wheat/gluten ~ simply said all breads and breading, white rice, etc.
  • sugars including hfcs
  • items containing yeast
  • margarine or other hydrogenated oils
  • Pasteurized Dairy (milk, cheese, hidden dairy in boxed foods, casein, etc)
   After following the above guidelines if one follows the "Keep It Simple Simon" protocol we would do just fine!  What is KISS?  It's a simple protocol for buying healthy food for our families.  Basically when you pick up an item at the store or farmers market you run a little diagnostics on it.  
Ask these questions:  
  • Are all the ingredients listed things that my Great Grandparents would have recognized as food?  
  • Are there four or fewer ingredients?  
  • Can I read the ingredients and understand what they are without a special degree in bio-tec science or the like? 
If it follows those simple rules then it is most likely a real food, has passed KISS and is in your shopping cart.  If not, the store can keep the poison.  It is your vote... Make it count.

  Little Changes (additional changes that go a long way to helping your body heal)

  • do not use iodonized or bleached salts.  These are the snow white salts you find at the grocery store.  They have been bleached and contain dioxins and no longer contain naturally occurring life giving nutrients.  Instead utilize Redmonds Real SaltCeltic Sea Salt, or Himalayan Salt.
  • eliminate or diminish your intake of caffeine (coffee and tea - herbal teas are wonderful.  Find organic sources of tea if you must have some.  And organic fair trade sources of coffee... regular not de-caf... just wean yourself down to 1 cup or less a day)
  • Eliminate tobacco completely as well as alcohol (during the candida elimination process completely avoid alcoholic beverages... afterward nursing on a glass of wine - once a week most likely won't harm your digestive system.)

  Things to add (the helpers):

  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ~ you really can not over eat coconut oil.  Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Kills Candida!  Eating coconut oil in therapeutic amounts (4 or more TBL per day) or even maintenance amounts (1-2 TBL per day) helps to keep candida in check.
  • Any coconut product:  coconut meat, oil, flour, butter, sugar, nectar, etc can help with candida.
  • Whole grains, nuts and seeds (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, raw sunflower seeds, fresh ground flax, raw walnuts, raw cashews, chia & raw pumpkin seeds etc), beans, and veggies (esp green leafy veggies and raw) help add fiber which helps with elimination of candida.
  • Taking 1000 mg of vitamin C and getting 20-30 mins of sun each day are also important.
  • Raw Dairy (milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, whey, etc) and pastured meats (chicken and beef).  Find a farmer near you that you can get these things from.  Your palate with thank you not to mention your entire body.
  • Probiotics such as Yogurt and Kefir as well as Kombucha tea add beneficial bacteria to the environment which aids as well.  Kefir water is a good option as well.
  • We have used Garden Of Life's probiotic blend ~ Primal Defense.  As well as their Omega-zyme with wonderful results.
  • Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar such as by Braggs.  Just mix a TBL with water and some honey or xylitol to taste.
  • Xylitol ~ a natural sugar substitute - looks and tastes like sugar - you use the same measurements in baking etc.  Xylitol helps to kill off excessive candida!  You can find it at health food stores.
  • Stevia is an herb that gives you the flavor of sugar.  To use to sweeten your beverage you just get the tip of your spoon damp and dip it into the stevia powder... you hardly need a bit of it to 'sweeten' your food and drink.
  • Flax oil such as Barleans for your Omega's.  The High Lignan Flax oil adds fiber to help with elimination of the candida.    
The B-12 ~ Candida Connection.  Why is B-12 so important to my health?
A very important supplement to take is a B-12 complex (sublingual).  A B12 complex supplement is important because the candida has inhibited its absorption and when low the candida tend to flourish. When the proper balance of B12 is restored, the Candida can then be kept in check. Now that you know Candida and Vitamin B12 are related, this knowledge should encourage you to eat a more balanced diet to avoid the further complications associated with a B12 deficiency.  

Vitamin B12 is essential for good health in many different ways. It aids in helping the developing nervous system  and function properly.  It also aids in blood cell production (many that are anemic are B12 deficient). The best sources are in free range meats, organ meats, raw diary products, and in free range eggs. Though B12 deficiency can happen to anyone, strict vegetarians are often at risk because they don't eat any of those mentioned things.

There are many things that occur with a B-12 deficiency.  These include, but are not limited to cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

Below is a list of symptoms to be aware of with a B12 Deficiency.

Neurological B Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
  • Mental confusion
  • Delusions
  • Paranoia
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Impulse Control
  • Pins and needles in the extremities
  • Balance issues
Gastrointestinal Symptoms of B Vitamin Deficiency
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Bloating
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
Other Symptoms of B12 Vitamin Deficiency
  • Fatigue
  • Paleness
  • Shortness of breath that results from only very light exertion
  • White spots on the skin (typically the forearm) due to decreased melatonin
Dealing with THE CRAVINGS!
Yes, most likely you will have food cravings.  Not for just 'good' food, but for things that will feed the candida.  If you were one that enjoyed a daily candybar or two you will crave them.  If you ate bread ~ you will crave it.  Drank pasteurized milk and ate pasteurized cheese ~ you will crave them as well.  You will even crave that factory farmed steak!  The candida want you to eat and drink them to Feed them.  What we have found is that the foods we love the most are the ones that feed the candida and that we most likely have a food sensitivity too.

Pineapple is the answer!  Yes, you read right.  Eat pineapple whenever you are having a craving for the candybar, bread, pasteurized milk, etc.  It can be fresh, dried, non-concentrated juice, canned, etc.... just eat it.

Why Pineapple?  Because pineapple is special!  It has proxeronine**, a special element that helps curb cravings for things such as sugars and carbs ~ the bad things that feed the candida.  It is also a rich source of Bromelain, an enzyme that helps digest food.  Bromelain has been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory (therefor helping with arthritis as well as cancers and heart disease).  So, eat your Pineapple!

** Noni Juice is also high in proxeronine.  You have to be careful to choose a reliable source for noni juice ~ talk to your local health food store owner/manager to find out what product they recommend.  

How long will this take?
It takes 3-4 weeks to clean your system of excessive amounts of candida.  After which you will find it much easier to stick to a whole foods eating plan without a lot of cravings for the foods that increase candida.  
Your body will thank you and you will have an abundance of energy that you haven't seen in a long while.
If you stray on occasion you will know it.  Maybe not the first day or even the first few days, but your body will let you know.  You will start feeling the symptoms and you will know.  You might have a headache or feel sluggish or even have what my daughter has now coined, "gooie poo" - a kind of foamy diarrhea.  You may even be truck driver belching ~ like you just drank a 2 lt bottle of Sprite even though you haven't touched Sprite in ages. 
We all stray... birthday parties, holidays... these things happen.  We just must be vigilant and not consume too much of the candida feeders so we can enjoy the party and the day/week after a lot better.

In conclusion...
Candida is the single largest epidemic that Americans are facing. Just LOOK at the amount of people afflicted with Cancer, ADD/ADHD, Adrenal Fatigue, Diabetes & other Endocrine System problems, Obesity, Autoimmune and Fatigue. All it takes is ONE round of antibiotics and/or consuming a diet consisting of conventional meats and dairy products, which have antibiotics in them. Between antibiotics, birth control pills, and a diet high in simple carbs/sugars, pretty much everyone is at risk.

We have learned there are 3 steps to effectively killing off excessive candida:

1. Kill/Starve the existing candida
2. Eat a healthy diet that doesn't feed new candida
3. Repopulate your gut with good bacteria.

Defeating candida may not be an easy task, but it can be done and is often the only route to good health and a strong immune system. 

When the immune system is weak, candida will easily overrun the intestinal tract and indeed the entire body. It may burrow deeper into various organs. Wrapping around the spinal cord and the nerves and may even accumulate at the base of the brain. It can encompass the heart and liver and can affect the reproductive system even causing endometriosis.

Candida is not considered a disease in itself; it is a condition indicating an internal imbalance. Its symptoms may mask, overshadow or even accompany other diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Basically, if your immune system is busy dealing with candida, it does not have the strength to fight other critical illnesses.

Do your body a favor... Say Goodbye to Candida!


We don't often think of this and I left it out while writing this article. When you eat meat from thegrocery store... or other non-organic non- natural pastured source you are getting a hefty dose of antibiotics via the meat.
so... you personally do not need to be the taker of the antibiotics... the animals have and you get it via the meat. The meat industry uses a HUGE amount of antibiotics to keep these factory farmed animals alive to butcher.

Have you ever watched "The Meatrix"?
If not, here's an eye opening link. Be aware... You may never look at that beef in the meat department the same again...

Treating Depression with Diet

All of us have heard... "You are what you eat."

Well, lets look to uplifting foods and kick the foods out that drag us down.

An organic plant based whole foods diet plan that incorporates farm fresh eggs, grass fed beef, wild caught Salmon (and other omega fish), pastured poultry, raw dairy and plenty of fermented foods is the perfect recipe for fighting off depression and keeping it away.
A little nervous?  Don't know where to start?  Well, lets take a look at some mood enhancing foods and why they work.

Eat Plenty of Organic Whole Foods
  • Fish ~ three times a week or more. The best choice is pink salmon or fresh tuna or mackerel.  High in Omega 3 fatty acids which helps with a wide array of body functions and keeps a lot of preventable diseases away.  These omega fish also have a good influence on the serotonin production which turn your mood enhancers on.
  • healthy carbohydrates ~ such as steel cut oats, long grain brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, fresh fruits(citrus fruits, banana, pomegranate, apple, pineapple, blueberries) fresh vegetables (beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes).
    ****If you are on a low carbohydrate diet it can contribute to your miserable mood.****
  • garlic has beside its many health improving properties, a slight mood elevating effect. Eat daily one clove of freshly chopped garlic.
  • The amino acid Tryptophan (The brain turns the L Tryptophan into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that controls our “feelings” such as depression, hunger, thirst, sleep and other "moods.")
    Dietary sources include:
    Skin on Baked Potatoes, Bananas, Beans, Raw Cheeses, Cottage Cheese, Eggs,  Fish, Hazelnuts, Raw Milk, Hummus, Lentils, Kelp, Pastured Meats, Nuts, Long Grain Brown Rice, Raw Pumpkin Seeds, Peas, Peanut Butter, Sesame Seeds, Shellfish, Sunflower Seeds, Tuna, Turkey, Yogurt and Kefir.
    Where possible eat them with carbohydrate rich foods which facilitate the brain's uptake of tryptophan.
  • seasonings such as cayenne pepper, rosemary, ginger, cardamom and basil have proved uplifting properties. 

What to Drink

  • Lemon Water ~  Drop a few slices of fresh lemon into your water and listen to some nice music or the sounds of the outdoors ~ it is uplifting for body and mind. If you do not care for the sour taste of lemon juice, fresh grapefruit or fresh orange juice will also do the trick. They are fine depression cures if consumed regularly.
  • Earl-Grey Black Tea. The scent of Earl-Grey Tea comes from Bergamot oil, which is a time-proved mood enhancer. A cup of Earl-Grey Tee (without milk or sugar) 3 times daily keeps you alert and fit. You can add a dash of fresh lemon juice to enhance its uplifting abilities.
  • Herbal teas: Peppermint, Passion Flower, German Chamomile, Lemon balm and Ginger teas are lovely natural cures for depression.

    Lemon balm got its name from strong lemon scent of the plant.  Lemon Balm teas help with depression, minor sleep problems and nervousness. The infusion of Lemon balm has a calming, relaxing effect as well as the power to reduce hyperactivity and agitation. The best choice is drinking it in the evening, after food, before bedtime. Put 2-3g of dried leaves into 1 cup of boiling water and strain.
    Caution: avoid long term usage (1-3 months) as lemon balm may reduce hormonal activity of the sex glands.
    Peppermint infusion is a warming and stimulating depression treatment. It stimulates brain functions and aids clear thinking. Peppermint tea clears the head helping one to feel fresh and bright and ready for mental effort. Refreshing and stimulating peppermint tea is a natural remedy for depression. Put 1 spoonful of dried leaves into 150ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 or 2 cups after meal in the morning and midday as refreshing depression cures.
    Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate depression.

Cut back or Give up

  • coffee or cola. Caffeine suppresses serotonin production and has been linked to depression.
  • alcohol. Alcoholic drinks may initially lift your mood, alcohol is actually a depressant.
  • Grocery store - fast food &/or excessive consumption of meatcanned foods and sugar (hfcs fits in here too). Excessive amounts of meat, canned foods void of real nutrition due to high heat used in canning process, and sugar consumption all make you drag down rather than lift you up.


  • B12 Complex ~ "Vitamin B-12 along with other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B-12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B-6 and folate may be linked to depression."  Mayo Clinic
  • D3 ~ actually a hormone not a vitamin, D3 deficiency is a common cause of depression.  The easiest way to up your D3 is to get outside in the sun.  Cod liver oil is also rich in D3.
  • Barlean's Flax Oil ~ "There isn't a person living today who won't benefit from omega-3 fatty acids, a type of essential fatty acid found most abundantly in some kinds of seafood and flax. However, persons suffering from depression, alcoholism, attention deficit disorder, impulsive and violent behavior or emotional hostility can particularly benefit by bringing more omega-3 fatty acids into their diet. In some of the most amazing research done today, scientists have discovered that the type of fat one consumes is "inextricably linked with your state of mind." 
  • Olive Leaf Extract ~ "People suffering from diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia and Epstein-Barr have reported less depression and increased energy when they added olive leaf to their regimen."
  • Folic Acid ~ People with low levels of folate often suffer from depression.  Eating foods such as green leafy veggies and fruits will help improve the levels.  Make sure your B12 complex contains B9 (folic acid/folate)
  • GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) ~ " Mood, behavior, and brain biochemistry are intricately linked. Depression and anxiety may be the result of flawed message-sending in the biochemical brain, flawed because key brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are in short supply. They're short because the body's amino acid pool (from which they're made) is itself low. For example, deficiencies in the amino acid GABA are strongly correlated with states of anxiety."
  • Inositol ~ "An organic, glucose-like compound that facilitates the transmission of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. People ingest about 1 gram of inositol a day from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meat, and other foods"
  • Saffron ~ "Saffron is a culinary spice used in many Middle Eastern dishes. It has also been used in traditional Persian medicine to relieve stomachaches, ease the pain of kidney stones, and treat depression. Some studies suggest that saffron may also have anticancer and memory-enhancing properties."
  • SAMe ~ S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a naturally occurring compound that are involved in the synthesis of  neurotransmitters such as L-Dopa, dopamine, and related hormones including serotonin and epinephrine.  From experience I can tell you that supplementing with SAM-e works!  It may take a few days for one to start feeling it, but when it kicks in you know it.
  • St. Johns Wart ~ For MILD forms of depression this works nicely.
  • Tryptophan ~ "An amino acid—most famous for being found in Thanksgiving turkey—that helps produce serotonin, the neurotransmitter targeted by drugs such as Prozac (SSRIs). It is sold over-the-counter in capsule form as L-tryptophan and 5-HTP, which represent different stages in the serotonin production process."  That turkey doesn't have to be for Thanksgiving!  We try to consume at least one turkey per month.  Incorporate turkey into your diet via ground turkey, turkey sausages, etc.  We have supplemented with both tryptophan and 5-HTP and found it to help.
Candida may play a large role in ones depression.  Read my post on Candida here.  Incorporating coconut products such as extra virgin coconut oil and coconut butter, probiotics such as kefir, yogurt, kombucha and Garden of Life's Primal Defense along with movement, such as dance or another form of exercise, into ones daily routine can also go a long way to helping one defeat depression.

Try an elimination diet... avoid gluten and/or dairy... check for salicylate sensitivity ...
Food sensitivities and undetected allergies can also effect mood and behavior.

Some books that can help you explore diet and nutrition as a means to keep you healthy in body, mind and spirit:

  • Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

  • Fit For Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

  • A New Way of Eating from the Fit for Life Kitchen 

    - companion book to Fit for Life by Marilyn Diamond

  • Coconut Cures by Bruce Fife

  • A New Way of Eating from the Fit for Life KitchenCoconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut

    Wheat Free Brownies!

    1/3 cup butter
    1/2 cup carob powder
    6 eggs
    (1 tsp stevia *) or 1 cup xylitol (organic sugar, rapadura, organic dehydrated cane syrup)
    1/2 tsp Vanilla
    1/2 cup Coconut Flour
    1 cup Walnuts (chopped)

    Preheat oven to 350
    Med saucepan... low heat ~ blend butter and carob powder
    Remove from heat and cool
    In a separate bowl mix eggs, sweetener, and vanilla
    Blend egg mix into carob mix
    Stir in Coconut flour... stir until smooth... no lumps
    Add walnuts (cashews, shredded coconut etc)
    Bake in a pre-oiled 8 x 8 baking pan for 30-35 mins

    You can also try adding some spirulina to this recipe or use coconut oil or coconut butter/manna instead of the butter.  Enjoy and have fun eating your candida controlling coconut!

    * stevia measurements instead of sugar ~ http://www.steviva.com/resources/2006/01/heres_sugar_alternative_you_ca.html

    Jamie's Birthday cake

    Sorry... no pics yet... when I get them uploaded I will post them for all... Mom, you should be able to 'save' them from here to be able to print them.

    GF Carob (mock chocolate) Cake by Wendy Semyck
    • preheat oven to 350
    whisk dry ingredients together
    • 1.5 Cup white rice flour
    • 3/4 cup tapioca flour
    • 1/2 cup carob powder
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 3 tsp baking powder
    • 1 tsp baking soda (I didn't have any baking powder on hand and so I used 2 scant tsp baking soda)
    • 1 tsp xanthum gum (or guar gum... I used guar gum yesterday for our sons b-day cake!)
    In mixing bowl - mix til fluffy:
    • 3 eggs
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 2/3 cup mayo
    Gradually add to the egg mixture - alternating between the two:
    • flour mixture
    • 1 cup milk (I used hemp) + 2 tsp vanilla extract
    Mix well.  Being sure there are no lumps.  I started my stand mixer on 3 and then moved it to 6 for 5 mins while my dd used the rubber spatula to keep it off the sides of the ss mixing bowl.   I then let it sit for a couple of minutes to help reduce the grainy type of texture that is often unavoidable when using rice flour.  Letting it sit for a little while helped a lot.  NO grainy texture at all!

    No one knew it was gluten free.  Also, they had NO idea it was carob... they kept saying that the "chocolate cake" was great. :D

    This makes 2    8-9" rounds or  1  ~  9x13

    I made one round in white from a mix I had purchased.  I could tell it wasnt' going to be enough... so created the carob for another round... it was enough to make that and a small rectagular cake that I put coconut and walnuts on top... that one looked like brownies and I (along with the other ladies at the party) prefered it to the frosted cake... toasted coconut and walnuts... YUM!
    ... it was even better this morning!!! :D

    Put the Nix on PPD!!!

    I've had 5 children.  With the first I don't think I ever got out of PPD land... our second came 5 years later.  I worked on my candida issues and kicked that between baby 2 and 3 ~ I felt wonderful.  For our 3rd child ppd was very limited to non-existent until we moved and between stress and diet my B12 levels plummeted, our 3rd child was diagnosed with a genetic mitochondrial disorder and I was bummed... it then became a self sustaining cycle.  I decided I wasn't going to go through it again when we found out we were pregnant with our 4th child and started working hard on diet and nutrition.  I've been doing well with baby 5.  Only had a couple of 'episodes' and they were more hormonal issues that actual signs of PPD.  
    These are the things that worked for me... maybe they will help you?

    • b12 supplement 2-4 droppers per day
    • pineapples, bananas, cashews, walnuts, salmon, etc... happy foods and foods high in omegas
    • 2-4 TBL of ev coconut oil daily
    • 2 TBL of Barleans Flax Oil daily until under control then 1 TBL per day
    • Check out the blogpost on Candida: http://semyck.blogspot.com​/search/label/candida
    • gluten free
    • raw Dairy
    • plenty of probios
    • free range eggs
    • free range chicken and beef
    • Sun Sun SUN!!! Get outside at least 20 mins per day and get as much healthy sun as you can. Vit D
    • Vit C.... vit C beverage from frontier is yumms!
    • Walk, dance... Kindermusic/Mommy and Me classes with baby.... FUN!!!
    It should also be noted that some time between baby 2 and 3 I had also dropped caffeine the rest of the way... I think that helped a lot as well!  Choosing herbal tea over black or green tea (I never have drank coffee).  Rooibus Tea is very high in antioxidants.   No sodas - I would drink "Happy" Pineapple juice instead... now I don't feel the need for either.  Instead of coco (chocolate) I will eat carob.  I make this wonderful treat called Carob Coconut Balls ~ they are a family favorite.  

    Carob Cocont Balls
     Only 4 ingredients:  
    1. 1/2 C carob powder  
    2. 3 cups Shred/dry coconut
    3. 3/4 C coconut oil at its liquid/semi liquid state
    4. 1/2 c Agave Nectar
     Just mix all those things together in with a spoon in a stainless or glass bowl. Put in fridge or freezer to firm up for a bit *that makes rolling a LOT easier*. Then roll the mix into small balls in your palms. Yes, this is sticky, but you get a perk... you get to lick your hands afterward! LOL!!! Just place them on a dinner plate and watch them disappear! One batch in this house rarely sees the light of day!